Why We Need Better Sexual Education
It’s 2019 and we are still living in a world uninformed about gay-sex. It’s disappointing to see that we still don’t have readily accessible curriculums to support the way all communities engage sexually. Regardless of your sexual orientation, we have a human right to impact and improve the quality of life of every single person on this planet. And why not? Sex is liberating. It’s mysterious, it’s pleasurable. And we all deserve to engage however we desire. But when we lack appropriate resources, and still witness judgement and shame associated with certain sexual practices, communities continue to suffer negative ramifications both psychosocially, mentally, and physically.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That may be related to physics, but there is a science of sex, too. Most people don’t realize that sex-related consequences not only affect themselves, but also the community at large. Sexual education is the first step to help mitigate this issue. That is why it is imperative for us to utilize our scientific and medical understandings of sexual engagements for the betterment of our community.
Sex ed varies wildly throughout the United States and the rest of the world. And how we learn about sex, whether from school, friends, family, or even porn, depends on the individual. When it comes to the LGBTQ+ community, sex ed in school is severely lacking. Currently, only 12 states require discussion of sexual identity and, while identity is hugely important, it can’t stop there.
Whose responsibility is it to educate our communities?
Today’s youth has easy access to everything under the sun and they have probably been exposed to more than we give them credit for. What they need is a non-biased, affirmative educational platform where they can learn about sex with a scientific basis, focusing on proper techniques, while minimizing any negative ramifications. And sound references from doctors, medical professionals, and sex experts. People are becoming more and more comfortable talking about sex and exploring what was once considered taboo. There are so many professionals who have made it their mission to educate all generations on so many important issues, but this is one area that people are still afraid to confront.
That’s when I realized it was part of my life’s mission to take this head on. One of my dear friends gave me advice years ago to just start writing. He said: if you blog it, people will read it. So that’s exactly what I did. And now, finally, press is catching up and I see a huge uptick in people talking about all things anal. This is what spearheaded the launch of Future Method. The timing just felt right.
What lies ahead needs to have a specific purpose and algorithm. And having the experience of caring for the LGBTQ+ community for the past ten years, I truly see the holes in the system. If we continue to wait for the majority to help us tell our own narrative, it will be too late. Using my practice expertise and now the Future Method platform, we can add not only a curriculum based on appropriate sexual science, but also have forums to interact with all communities. It’s about damn time. All conversations foster forward progress. Please join us in fulfilling our mission.
Originally published at https://futuremethod.com on September 6, 2019.